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Raise the Barn!




Showing Gods Endless Love for Special Needs Children by Assisting Them in Reaching

their Fullest Potential through Interaction with Horses and Animals.



Raise the Barn.

Be the force behind bringing FREE, AWARD-WINNING, equine therapy to Special Needs Children!

Be the force behind bringing FREE, AWARD-WINNING, equine therapy to Special Needs Children!

SpiritHorse at Charis Field

Is a Non-Profit in the Boulder County Colorado area, with a drive to impact those in our community with various abilities and needs.  We are fascinated with the connection that is often times made between a horse and its rider. We will provide Equine Therapy through various riding programs. The impact these programs and the horses have on our riders are truly amazing. Click on Programs to learn more.


SpiritHorse at Charis Field is licensed by SpiritHorse International Therapeutic Riding Center of Corinth TX.   We have been given full rights and privileges to represent this organization as a "SpiritHorse Licensed Center". 


We are using the same proven award winning program.  SpiritHorse provides Equine Assisted Healthcare with a different goal than that of recreational therapeutic riding centers.  It includes, for example, 88 specific steps provided in a "one-on-one" setting for intervening with children diagnosed with Autism and other disabilities all at No charge...for free!


We are activley looking for the right property with an indoor arena, 6 stall barn+, 3-10 acres and a home.

Our fundraising campaign has begun.  YOUR tax-deductible gift can make all the difference in giving FREE award winning, equine- therapy to children with special needs in this Boulder County and surrounding areas.


Come be a part in Raising the Barn!





Numbers that Matter  Using SpiritHorse Methods


104 Children

have spoken

their first word 

on a

SpiritHorse horse/pony.

Again the kingdom of heaven is like the treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and hid; and for joy over it he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.     - Matthew 13:44


Charis Field

501(c)(3) Nonprofit


           Mailing Address:

                                          953 Huron Peak Ave

                                          Superior, Colorado 80027




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